Thursday, October 1, 2009

CuRse Of cUrVes...

I'm FAT!!!

I have no idea how it happened, okay, I might I am 127 lbs! Never in my 22 years of life have I weighed so much!

I eat because I'm unhappy, I'm unhappy because I eat.

Living at home again is hard to say the least. I thought I'd be strong enough to endure before I leave on my mission. I was wrong.

I have been eating to escape...the reality of life.

The reality is I'm unhappy & fat. The most embarrassing part is when I realized I was fat at CD pool swimming with my family. Everyone went down the big slide & so I went down....SLOWLY. I stopped in the middle of the slide & only made it all the way down is because a little kid behind me rammed into me sending me all the way down the slide.

1 comment:

  1. Get used to it cuz you'll be doing a whole lot more of it on your mission!! You'll break 127, don't worry. Think of eating for a year and a half... do the math!! HAHAHAHA! When are you going already??! I keep checking for an announcement!
