Hanging out with my awesome stylish cousin Laramie. He way out dressed me. We woke up early at like 7am...hahhah, and waited in line outside in the cold (even though it wasn't Wyoming cold). For the GRAND OPENING at noon.
Brought an ipod and People Style magazine to keep me going. Some starbucks, free coffee & redbull, and some cinnamin rolls.
MY FUTURE HUSBAND: So of course I would be checking out way cute boys that CAN dress nice while in line, but the biggest shocker was a guy that came up to me. One I haven't seen in 18months. My old home teacher/elders quorom president and old CRUSH...Jonathan! So cute and so nice. He was so excited to see me. He's older than I am and still single and is moving back to Provo. He graduated from BYU already and he's an adult. Like seriously crazy to see him. If i was more adult and mature...maybe he'd like me. Actually probably not, he's so so so good. I wouldn't want to taint a good guy like him.
Anyway, I looked like junk...didn't brush my hair that day. I was on TV too. It was awesome. The news people were there & me and my cousin were one of the first 500 people and we got like a gift card to H&M for $25. LOVED IT. Got free H&M bag and notebook. Bought a heart shirt and a pink dress. Maybe someday I'll feel stylish and pretty again, but until then this is a WONDERFUL first step!
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