Despite all odds; I finally gave my FINAL homecoming talk. It was overwhelming and easy at the same time. I didn't prepare. I pondered on some things that I felt I should say and then did it all by the spirit. It flowed and I didn't take more time than was given to me. Surprising that everyone wished I could have had more time. My theme I was reflecting on was about my personal mission and my SDRC mission and how the two correlate. Our mission is like our mission/earth life. We have loving parents whether Heavenly or mortal that wants us to return to them with honor. Sending us out into a world with as much preparation as we can have. Knowingly, that we can only acquire so little before the mission, but only through the actual experience of heartache and trial will we ever truly learn. That sometimes we forget our purpose in the mission field and in life. & coming back to the center of all missions is our Savior Jesus Christ. His atonement made it possible for our mission to succeed. I've learned that the atonement is real and it covers everything, every possible hurt, sickness and temptation. It has healed my wounded broken heart for me to even be able to function as a representative of Christ. It has given me the strength to tract, to love, to hope for a better world. Not just for me, but for others. We will never get to see the whole plan, but God gives us "letters" from home, meaning He sends us His love through different kinds of things. In my life on earth and TOTALLY on my mission; God has sent me so much love through my SISTER FRIENDS. Golden Girl SISTERS: Beck and Duncan traveled down to be at my homecoming. Though it's been over a year since our crazy roller coaster of a mission in Payson, a part of my heart will always be there. PREPARING me for even more love and heartache in my divine call to Rapid City, South Dakota. I love my missions. I think about it everyday. I realize that I am no longer SISTER ADISON, sister missionary and removing my tag was harder than I thought and imagine. Way harder than the 1st time. I just cried. i love this work. I loved my mission. I loved my friends, my sisters, my loves. I realized a part of me will always be with the people I love. I am with you. I love you, Kemp and Iousa, my sisters. Leaving was hard to do, not because of the "mantle" but because I was leaving you sisters to continue to fight the battle without me. I can't express my love and concern. I think of you always and sometimes think, "if i was still there I could call them." I've hated this past week of no connection with my missionaries. My sisters, my friends. I love you, please remember that. I was nothing more than Sister Adison, another ordinary sister missionary, but I am everything I am now because of your love & help. Miss you, LOVE LOVE, Shannon!
11 years ago
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